====== Import Horese ====== On the "Participants", click on the team. {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:import_horse_1.png?700}} There are two ways to import horses. ==== Manual Input ==== Add one by one, Enter horse information and click OK. {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:import_horse_2.png?700}} {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:import_horse_3.png?700}} ==== Batch Import ==== Click "Horse", then click "Import Horse". Click "Download Template". Or click {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:horse_en_us.xlsx|Horse}} {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:import_horse_5.png?700}} Make modifications according to the template sample. Please ensure that the title in the first row is not modified or deleted. | Title | Must Have | Description | | Horse Name | Y |Horse name| | Horse Number | Y |Horse number| | Horse Code | N |For example: CHN-ON774| | Horse Passport | N |For example: IRE26071209| | Chip Number | N |For example: 001| | Horse Gender | N | **ST**=Stallion\\ **MA**=Mare\\ **GD**=Gelding\\ **UN**=Unknown| | Year Birth | N |For example: 2000-01-01| | Colour Code | N |**AP**=appaloosa\\ **BA**=Bay\\ **BL**=Black\\ **CH**=Chestnut\\ **CR**=Cream\\ **DB**=Dark Bay\\ **DC**=Dark Chestnut\\ **DG**=Dark Grey\\ **DU**=Dun\\ **GR**=Grey\\ **LB**=Light Bay\\ **LC**=Light Chestnut\\ **PA**=Palomino\\ **PB**=Piebald/Skewbald\\ **RO**=Roan\\ **ST**=Strawberry\\ **NL**=Not listed| | Breed Code | N |**AA**=Stud Book Français du Cheval Anglo-Arabe\\ **AAFE**=Asociacion Argentina de Fomento Equino\\ **ABPSL**=APS Lusitano\\ **AES**=Anglo European Studbook\\ **AHHA**=American Holsteiner Horse Association\\ **AHS**=The American Hanovarian Society\\ **ANAA**=Stud-book Français du cheval Anglo-Arabe\\ **APCRS**=Assoc. Port. De Criadores de Racas Selecta\\ **AWHA**=\\Australian Warmblood Horse Association\\ **AWO**=Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Warmblutzucht Österreich\\ **AWR**=American Warmblood Registry\\ **AWS**=American Warmblood Society\\ **BAD-WU**=Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.\\ **BAVAR**=Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchtere V.\\ **BH**=Asso. Brasileira de Criadores do Cavalo de Hipismo\\ **BHHS**=The British Hanoverian Horse Society\\ **BRAND**=Pferdezuchtverband Brandenburg-Anhalt\\ **Bri.WS**=British Warmblood Society\\ **BSHA**=Bulgarian Sport Horse Association\\ **BWBS**=Warmblood Breeders Studbook - UK\\ **BWP**=Belgisch Warmbloedpaard v.z.w.\\ **CABSH**=Croatian Association of Breeders of Sport Horses\\ **CCDM**=Criadores de Caballos Deportivos Mexiacanos\\ **CDE**=Caballo de Deporte Espanol\\ **CH**=Zuchtverband CH-Sportpferde ZVCH Swiss Warmblood\\ **CheSui**=Studbook Cheval Suisse\\ **CSHA**=Canadian Sport Horse Association\\ **CWHBA**=Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association\\ **CZEWB**=Czech Warmblood Breeders Association\\ **DSP**=Deutsches Sportpferd\\ **DWB**=Danish Warmblood Society\\ **EBHA**=East Bulgarian Horse Association\\ **ESHB**=Estonian Sport Horse Breeders Society\\ **FWB**=Finnish Warmblood\\ **GHH**=Graenseegnens Holstener Hesteavlsforening\\ **HAA**=The Holsteiner Association of Australia\\ **HANN**=Hannoveraner Verband e. V.\\ **HESS**=Verband Hessischer Pferdezüchter e.V.\\ **HHSA**=Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia\\ **HOLST**=Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes e.V.\\ **HSH**=Hungarian Sporthorse studbook\\ **ISH**=Irish Sport Horse Studbook\\ **ISREG**=Int. Sporthorse Registry Oldenburg Registry N.A.\\ **ISSA**=International Sporthorse Studbook Australia\\ **KISBGI**=Kisberi and Gidran Horse Breeders Association\\ **KWPN**=Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland\\ **KWPNNA**=KWPN of North America, Inc.\\ **LBHA:ENG**=Latvian Horse Breeding Association\\ **LHBAT**=Latvian Horse Breeders Association\\ **LUSIT**=Assoc. Port. Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lus.\\ **MECKL**=Verband der Pferde. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.\\ **MIPAAF**=Italian Horse Department\\ **NRPS**=Nederlands Rijpaarden en Pony Stamboek\\ **NWB**=Norwegian Warmblood Association\\ **OLDBG**=Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V.\\ **OS**=Springpferdezuchtverband Oldenburg-Int. e.V\\ **P.R.E.**=Pura Raza Español\\ **PSH**=Portuguese Sport Horse\\ **PZHK**=Polish Horse Breeders Association\\ **RHEIN**=Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.\\ **SA**=Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen Anhalt e.v.\\ **SACHS**=Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen e.V.\\ **SATHU**=Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen-Thüringen e.V\\ **SAWHS**=South African Warmblood Society\\ **SBS**=Stud-book sBs, le Cheval de Sport Belge\\ **SCSL**=Stud-book du Cheval de Selle Luxembourgeois\\ **SDWA**=Scottish Dutch Warmblood Association\\ **SF**=Stud Book du Cheval Selle Français (ANSF)\\ **SHBGB**=Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain\\ **SLS**=Studbook La Silla\\ **SSH**=Scottish Sport Horse\\ **SSW**=Studbook for Slovenian Warmblood Horses\\ **SWB**=Swedish Warmblood Association\\ **TAF**=Trakehner Avlsforbundet i Danmark\\ **THU**=Verband der Thüringen Pferdezüchter\\ **TRAK**=Verband der Züchter und Freunde des Ostpr. e.V.\\ **VNP**=Verband Niederösterrichischer Pferdezüchter\\ **WESTF**=Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.\\ **WSI**=Warmblood Studbook of Ireland\\ **ZANG**=Stud-book Zangersheide\\ **ZCHKS**=The Slovak Warmblood Studbook\\ **ZfDP**=Zuchtverband für Deutsche Pferde e.v.\\ **ZWEIB**=Pferdezuchtverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar e.V.\\ **OTHER**=Other\\ **NL**=Not Listed\\ **UN**=Unknown| {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:import_horse_6.png?700}} After the preparation of the Excel file, import it into MMS. {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:import_horse_7.png?700}} Import is complete. {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:import_horse_8.png?700}} Next, associate the participants with the horses. Click on "Schedule" button, then click the event, select the participant under "Competitor" button, and click "Edit" button. {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:import_horse_9.png?700}} Select the horse information to associate. Then click "OK" button {{sports:meet_management_server:equestrian:import_horse:import_horse_10.png?700}}