Table of Contents

Import Horese

On the “Participants”, click on the team.

There are two ways to import horses.

Manual Input

Add one by one, Enter horse information and click OK.

Batch Import

Click “Horse”, then click “Import Horse”. Click “Download Template”. Or click Horse

Make modifications according to the template sample. Please ensure that the title in the first row is not modified or deleted.

Title Must Have Description
Horse Name Y Horse name
Horse Number Y Horse number
Horse Code N For example: CHN-ON774
Horse Passport N For example: IRE26071209
Chip Number N For example: 001
Horse Gender N ST=Stallion
Year Birth N For example: 2000-01-01
Colour Code N AP=appaloosa
DB=Dark Bay
DC=Dark Chestnut
DG=Dark Grey
LB=Light Bay
LC=Light Chestnut
NL=Not listed
Breed Code N AA=Stud Book Français du Cheval Anglo-Arabe
AAFE=Asociacion Argentina de Fomento Equino
ABPSL=APS Lusitano
AES=Anglo European Studbook
AHHA=American Holsteiner Horse Association
AHS=The American Hanovarian Society
ANAA=Stud-book Français du cheval Anglo-Arabe
APCRS=Assoc. Port. De Criadores de Racas Selecta
AWHA=\\Australian Warmblood Horse Association
AWO=Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Warmblutzucht Österreich
AWR=American Warmblood Registry
AWS=American Warmblood Society
BAD-WU=Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.
BAVAR=Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchtere V.
BH=Asso. Brasileira de Criadores do Cavalo de Hipismo
BHHS=The British Hanoverian Horse Society
BRAND=Pferdezuchtverband Brandenburg-Anhalt
Bri.WS=British Warmblood Society
BSHA=Bulgarian Sport Horse Association
BWBS=Warmblood Breeders Studbook - UK
BWP=Belgisch Warmbloedpaard v.z.w.
CABSH=Croatian Association of Breeders of Sport Horses
CCDM=Criadores de Caballos Deportivos Mexiacanos
CDE=Caballo de Deporte Espanol
CH=Zuchtverband CH-Sportpferde ZVCH Swiss Warmblood
CheSui=Studbook Cheval Suisse
CSHA=Canadian Sport Horse Association
CWHBA=Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association
CZEWB=Czech Warmblood Breeders Association
DSP=Deutsches Sportpferd
DWB=Danish Warmblood Society
EBHA=East Bulgarian Horse Association
ESHB=Estonian Sport Horse Breeders Society
FWB=Finnish Warmblood
GHH=Graenseegnens Holstener Hesteavlsforening
HAA=The Holsteiner Association of Australia
HANN=Hannoveraner Verband e. V.
HESS=Verband Hessischer Pferdezüchter e.V.
HHSA=Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia
HOLST=Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes e.V.
HSH=Hungarian Sporthorse studbook
ISH=Irish Sport Horse Studbook
ISREG=Int. Sporthorse Registry Oldenburg Registry N.A.
ISSA=International Sporthorse Studbook Australia
KISBGI=Kisberi and Gidran Horse Breeders Association
KWPN=Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland
KWPNNA=KWPN of North America, Inc.
LBHA:ENG=Latvian Horse Breeding Association
LHBAT=Latvian Horse Breeders Association
LUSIT=Assoc. Port. Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lus.
MECKL=Verband der Pferde. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.
MIPAAF=Italian Horse Department
NRPS=Nederlands Rijpaarden en Pony Stamboek
NWB=Norwegian Warmblood Association
OLDBG=Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V.
OS=Springpferdezuchtverband Oldenburg-Int. e.V
P.R.E.=Pura Raza Español
PSH=Portuguese Sport Horse
PZHK=Polish Horse Breeders Association
RHEIN=Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
SA=Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen Anhalt e.v.
SACHS=Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen e.V.
SATHU=Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen-Thüringen e.V
SAWHS=South African Warmblood Society
SBS=Stud-book sBs, le Cheval de Sport Belge
SCSL=Stud-book du Cheval de Selle Luxembourgeois
SDWA=Scottish Dutch Warmblood Association
SF=Stud Book du Cheval Selle Français (ANSF)
SHBGB=Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain
SLS=Studbook La Silla
SSH=Scottish Sport Horse
SSW=Studbook for Slovenian Warmblood Horses
SWB=Swedish Warmblood Association
TAF=Trakehner Avlsforbundet i Danmark
THU=Verband der Thüringen Pferdezüchter
TRAK=Verband der Züchter und Freunde des Ostpr. e.V.
VNP=Verband Niederösterrichischer Pferdezüchter
WESTF=Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
WSI=Warmblood Studbook of Ireland
ZANG=Stud-book Zangersheide
ZCHKS=The Slovak Warmblood Studbook
ZfDP=Zuchtverband für Deutsche Pferde e.v.
ZWEIB=Pferdezuchtverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar e.V.
NL=Not Listed

After the preparation of the Excel file, import it into MMS.

Import is complete.

Next, associate the participants with the horses. Click on “Schedule” button, then click the event, select the participant under “Competitor” button, and click “Edit” button.

Select the horse information to associate. Then click “OK” button