Export Realtime Result
Score recording software data export, results imported into third-party systems.
Click on Settings, then select General Settings.
Click on Data Output, select “Swimming Real-time Results”, and enter the schedule code in the schedule code field. For example, you can write “01” for the morning and “02” for the afternoon. Click the button to the right of “Save Path”, choose the save path, and finally click OK.
After each group race is completed, the automatic timing system will generate a text file named “Session-Event-Heat.txt”.
For example, the file “01-01-01.txt” represents Schedule 1, Event 1, Heat 1. This file will be saved in the “SWIM” directory.
Data Structure
The data structure of the text file generated by the automatic timing system should be as follows: (1) First column: Lane number, two digits wide (e.g., 00, 01, 02, …, 08, 09). (2) Second column: Final time, formatted as 00:00.00 (8 characters). (3) Third column onward: Split times, each also in the 00:00.00 format (8 characters per column). The number of split times depends on the pool length and how many times the touchpad was activated. (4) After the split times: The last column before relay exchange times is the start reaction time, also in the 00:00.00 format (8 characters). (5) Following the start reaction time: Three relay exchange foul detection times, each 8 characters long and formatted as 00000.00. These indicate whether there were any fouls during the relay baton exchanges in relay races. (6) Columns are separated by a single space. (7) Each heat's results consist of 10 rows. For lanes with no results, the data is entirely composed of zeros.
For example, the results of a 200-meter freestyle final in a 50-meter pool with touchpad activations at both ends would be as follows:
00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00
01 02:03.61 00:29.22 01:00.89 01:32.93 02:03.61 00:00.92
02 02:01.78 00:28.31 00:59.29 01:30.95 02:01.78 00:00.82
03 02:01.72 00:29.86 01:00.77 01:31.55 02:01.72 00:00.87
04 01:59.68 00:28.92 00:59.31 01:30.02 01:59.68 00:00.83
05 02:01.21 00:28.73 00:59.82 00:00.00 02:01.21 00:00.82
06 02:01.74 00:28.51 00:59.46 01:30.56 02:01.74 00:00.93
07 02:03.08 00:29.65 01:00.72 01:32.12 02:03.08 00:00.79
08 02:02.46 00:29.43 01:00.48 01:31.86 02:02.46 00:00.81
09 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00
For example, the results of a 200-meter freestyle final in a 50-meter pool with touchpads activated at both ends are as follows:
00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00
01 08:36.59 00:29.08 01:00.82 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 08:04.40 08:36.59 00:00.89 000-0.45 00000.44 00000.53
02 08:10.07 00:28.67 01:00.22 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 07:39.37 08:10.07 00:00.85 00000.25 00000.13 00000.54
03 08:10.82 00:29.49 01:01.05 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 07:40.36 08:10.82 00:00.93 00000.50 00000.52 00000.27
04 08:20.98 00:29.59 01:00.89 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 07:48.57 08:20.98 00:00.87 00000.04 00000.50 00000.28
05 08:26.37 00:30.29 01:02.52 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 07:54.04 08:26.37 00:00.87 00000.00 00000.21 00000.38
06 08:29.61 00:30.19 01:02.30 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 07:56.63 08:29.61 00:00.70 00000.60 00000.46 00000.27
07 08:32.24 00:30.30 01:02.54 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 07:59.44 08:32.24 00:00.84 00000.42 00000.68 00000.53
08 08:26.49 00:30.49 01:03.03 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 07:55.15 08:26.49 00:00.83 00000.64 00000.29 00000.40
09 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 …(12 split times omitted in the middle)… 00:00.00 00:00.00 00:00.00 00000.00 00000.00 00000.00